Tiefenbacher Insolvency Administrators

Our office in Wuppertal

Direct contact and close proximity to our clients are very important for us. This is why our experts in the state of Baden-Württemberg are not only available to you in person in Neuss, but also in Wuppertal. It is also the location of one of our branch offices in overall 15 German cities. This vast network of offices and experts not only lets us be in close proximity to our clients and cases. Our experts can furthermore exchange ideas directly and specifically regarding particular challenges this way.

Tiefenbacher Insolvency Administrators in Wuppertal support you in insolvency situations or the restructuring of companies. Not only courts, creditors and lawyers, but also private, businesses and consultants are advised by our specialist attorneys.

Creditor information system

View select insolvency proceedings online here.


Frank-Rüdiger Scheffler

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