In the event of an insolvency: Legal advice outlines the options

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Business decisions are not always easy to make – especially not in unusual framework conditions. Then, it should be explained in detail where possibilities to influence business end and where possible transgressions of the law begin. Additionally, it might also be decisive to know the effects of the crisis or the insolvency on existing contracts. Also important: Which claims, rights and obligations of creditors, shareholders and other stakeholders need to be considered.

We support clients with solid risk analyses and legal advice in the complex field of insolvency law. If needed, we can also rely on the specialised experts in our network in the fields of tax and business consulting or auditing.

Who are the intended recipients of the risk consulting and legal advice?

Do you have questions about our work in insolvency administration? You are welcome to contact us.

Creditor information system

View select insolvency proceedings online here.

Frequently liability claims arise in cases of insolvency. These should be asserted against certain actors or you should defend against them. However, before a manager is made liable for actions in the course of an insolvency, the prospects of potential legal steps should be ascertained. Particularly critical research is needed when, for example, if a criminal offence such as delayed filing of insolvency or a violation of the duties of care is on the table. Have actual misdemeanours been committed? 

Has there been knowing deceit? Have third parties taken impermissible influence? We subject irregular and questionable processes to a precise forensic examination. Our clients will know more precisely with the results whether there has in fact been a violation and, if in doubt, how serious it was. Within the scope of our legal advice, we can then present corresponding possibilities and approaches to solution and development the further procedure together.

Questions about other fields of law

Questions about other fields of law

Often crossovers with other legal fields such as commercial, tax or corporate law arise in the course of consulting in insolvency law. We exchange ideas about these topics with the relevant experts of our law firm. If questions relating to other legal fields should arise at your company from the outset, you can find an overview of the entire expertise of Tiefenbacher lawyers and contact details for the relevant partners at

Do you have questions about legal advice?

Legal advice and forensics – these are our services

Are you affected by an insolvency? Are there unclear liability claims or suspicions of a criminal offence? We support you with our solid legal advice and precise forensics examination. Please enquire.

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